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The Team

Past and Present

Maria (a.k.a Mrs Doolittle) is the founder of Alpaca Kisses. Her compassion and handling experience is a pleasure to behold. More exciting though is Maria herself - an incredible dynamo, committed fully to her alpacas and your experience of them. Maria is an absolute natural at facilitating safe and memorable moments.

Co. (colour, Light Fawn) was a heart-melter, a snowflake of fun and giggles. He loved a 'kiss' and a cuddle. It was not a real party until Co. turned up.

Like Chai, Co. has been in Government House - Canberra. Here he received a sash from the Governor-General.

Co. has read the book Alpacas with Maracas with author and illustrator Matt Cosgrove.

Sadly our darling Co. passed away in Feb 2020.

more about Maria

Rhett w/ Casper

Casper is of course friendly and white (Light Fawn). He is our first boy. He displays a regal, curious, confident character. Everyone knows when Casper is in town. Don't tell him he is an alpaca and definitely don't let him hear you call him a llama. He likes to think of himself as a very important gentleman.

Rhett on the other hand is an actual gentleman. He is currently doing a Research Honors Year and helps us out on the occasional weekend. Rhett is an experienced handler and knows the alpacas very well. He is great with kids and loves introducing the alpacas to them.

Casper has turned heads (with his best buddy Milo) in the Mitchell Reading Room of the NSW State Library.

Chloe w/ Milo (a.k.a Matt Cosgrove's 'Al')

Chloe has been part of the team right from the start. A gentle quite confident carer and handler. Chloe can be found after school taking the alpacas for a walk or yelling 'Who left the door open?!' as she escorts alpacas back outside the house after another well coordinated raid of the fruit bowl.

Milo (Roan in colour) was a very friendly gorgeous young lad and was very smart. This young macho loved to run, wrestle and pronk - he lived the dream!

Milo has been in the Mitchell Reading Room of the NSW State Library and has fallen asleep in the presence of Matt Cosgrove,.when Matt read his book Alpacas with Maracas.

Our dear Milo passed away in Feb 2020.

Maria (a.k.a Mumpaca) is 'head of the herd'. Here she is on a training outing with Chai.

Chai is a cautious little fellow, who is quickly becoming confident and curious. At the moment Chai spends his days watching, learning and wrestling with the big boys in the big paddock.

His first official gig was at Government House in May 2019.

Kent & Casper

Kent is the 'Sure Darling, a business involving animals sounds like a great idea ...not!' husband that has been won over by alpaca charm and now helps Maria out where he can. If not being led around by an alpaca he is often seen on the sidelines taking photos for the VIPs album.

What of Casper - well he is the ring leader who plots daily with his mates sophisticated and well coordinated raids on the household fruit bowl.

Bossanova (a.k.a Bossa)

Our first girl and she is absolutely gorgeous - in both looks and personality! Stunning black with a heart of gold. Bossi is super friendly and eagerly seeks out opportunities to interact with people. She is a kisser and a hugger. 

Bossi is presently in training for events and spends her days looking after Samson and hanging out with her big paddock mates Casper and Chai.

Samson (a.k.a Sami)

Samson is so much joy to be with. He is a fun friendly little fellow who is full of curiosity and loves to hang out with his two and four-legged mates. After losing his mum when he was a wee little fellow he landed an opportunity to join the team at Alpaca Kisses for his upbringing and education -  a role Bossa and Maria have embraced.


We fear it won't be long before Casper and Chai will be recruiting him for team raids on the living room fruit bowl...we trust Bossa will not degrade herself to such uncouth behaviour.

Sami has a unique coat, it is cross between a Huacaya's and Suri's. In short, soft fluffy dreadlocks! 

Delilah (a.k.a Deli)

Talk about 'presence' and pose. This lovely girl has it in spades. She is presently in training and is being led astray daily by Sami, who now thinks he owns the place.

Ellie (a.k.a Choc-top)

Ellie is simply stunning. She has a very pretty face and her permanent Aussie Driza-bone coat, hat and dark boots makes her a real head-turner at functions.

Sharmane w/ Casper

Alpaca Kisses is delighted to have Sharmane as part of the team. Sharmane has been a friend for many years and as a dedicated horse owner and lover she brings a wealth of handling skills and knowledge. Her ability to accurately read and respond to an alpacas mood and anxiety levels results in a confident and rewarding interaction experience for all our guests.

Check out Casper's Yarmulke!

Chantelle w/ Delilah

We have known Chantelle since she was knee-high to an alpaca. Chantelle has been our go-to-gal when we need someone to house-sit our property (and the sixteen animals). A gorgeous human being who is compassionate and a champion at facilitating magic alpaca interaction moments. We are thrilled to have Chantelle as part of the team.

Cafe training is such hard work :)

Make-over Day

For 2020 we are aiming for an early November shearing date.

Click on  image for a laugh :).

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